My mother and I were not alike- we were our own individuals- but we had a lot in common. We got along great! We were more than mother and daughter. We were sisters and best friends❤
A lot of people were jealous of my mom.
My mother was a nice, popular, kind, humorous person in her day, but she was far from a fool and far from a pushover.
She was a literal fighter who had a reputation not to be messed with. She never bothered anyone and she never went around starting trouble.
My mother was very smart/intelligent, and business minded. I get my brains from her and the good side of our family tree.
She helped a lot of people who I feel did not deserve to be helped by her- yet I am sure nothing went unnoticed or overlooked by the God/Jesus she strongly believed in and kept faith in even when I did not out of times of anger toward God.
Those who may have unwisely taken her for granted suffered. God pays back all misdeeds and will sometimes allow us to witness justice/vindication.
My mother had a heart that I did not have. She was a caring person. It pisses me off why she had to go through certain things in life that she did.
Regardless, she was blessed.
We had and shared a lot of good times as we had a lot of luck and spirituality in life.
Memories live on, our love never dies. I am a living part of my mother and she is within me.❤❤❤