In honor of this love-filled day, we give you five of the most lovable dog breeds ever! Having any of these dogs as a companion will surely provide you with all the love that you need!
(Check out 2013 Recap: Breed Spotlight)
Labrador Retriever

No one can deny the lovability factor of Labrador Retriever. Proof? For 23 straight years, this dog is recognized by the American Kennel Club as the most popular breed in the US. This versatile breed of dog can adapt to just about anything. But aside from its versatility, Labs are widely known for their loyalty, sweetness and charm.
Irish Wolfhound

Despite – or because – of its size, Irish Wolfhound is known for its gentle nature. One of the world’s largest breeds, this dog is strong and sturdy. But the Irish Wolfhound is also one of the most gentle, noble, and lovable dogs you’ll ever meet. He loves human companionship and welcomes one and all.
Bichon Frise

Perky, bouncy and playful, the bichon frise’s happy-go-lucky outlook endears it to all. This particular dog breed is friendly toward strangers and other dogs and pets, and is very good with children. Bichon frise is sensitive, responsive and affectionate, as eager to cuddle as it is to play.

Mislabeled as a “sourmug,” the Bulldog is actually one of the most comical, jovial, and charming dogs you can find. Bulldogs, for the most part, are laid back, smooth and easy going. This breed of dog loves going for rides in the car, and sleeping at the foot of your bed, on the couch or in the easy-chair. They must have plenty of love and socialization, and will offer you the same in return.

And who can ever forget the most popular Collie ever – great, sweet Lassie. A collie is intelligent, sensitive, gentle, and yes, occasionally but lovingly stubborn. This breed is likewise known for its devotion and mild-mannered ways.
These five dog breeds are just few of the most lovable dog breeds. Every dog has a loving characteristic that can match even the most complicated personal character. The most important thing is that you show your dog love, and he’ll reciprocate your feelings tenfold.