Whether it's high sodium, too much sugar or misleading labels, nearly 60 percent of baby and toddler foods sold in the United States aren't as nutritious as they seem, a new study finds.

Published on Aug 21 in Nutrients The study found that most of these products do not meet the nutritional guidelines and recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO).
Of the 651 products analyzed, 70 percent did not meet protein requirements, while 44 percent exceeded recommended sugar levels. One in four products also did not meet calorie requirements and one in five exceeded recommended sodium limits, the study found.
The names and brands of the foods were not disclosed in the study, but lead author Elizabeth Dunford, an assistant professor in the University of North Carolina's Department of Nutrition, told Global News that some of the products they examined were also sold in Canadian supermarkets.
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"You do have some of the same brands. I suppose Canada is more closely linked to the U.S. than any other country with labeling," she said.
Labeling and nutrition are vital, Dunford argued, because early childhood is a crucial period of rapid growth in which taste preferences and eating habits are established. These early choices can set the stage for chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and even some cancers later in life, she said.
"Time-poor parents are increasingly turning to ready-made meals, unaware that many of these products lack important nutrients needed for their child's development. They are being fooled into thinking they are healthier than they actually are," she added.
The researchers say that despite the fact that US health guidelines advise against feeding babies foods with added sugars and high sodium, babies and toddlers around the world - including in America - often do not meet these recommendations.
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In Canada, baby and toddler foods are regulated by Safe Food for Canadians Act Companies must clearly state the nutritional information of their products, including calories, sodium and sugar content, on the label.
Maximum sodium levels apply to baby foods for children aged six to twelve months. However, other dietary guidelines, such as those for sugar and fat, are only recommended by the Canadian Guidelines for Healthy Full-Term Infants.
But the problem with recommendations is that there is no benchmark for what is allowed in products, Dunford said.
"There is absolutely no limit, and one of the things I would like to see is that these products do not meet a certain standard for health performance, such as sodium limits... If a product does not meet that standard, then that product cannot place a claim on the product," she said.
She explained that many companies put a "claim sound" on their packaging, such as "no sugar added," to create a misleading impression of healthiness. These claims contribute to what experts call a "health halo" around these baby food products.
For example, she said, labels like "no added sugar" or "organic" can give the impression that the product is generally nutritious, even though it may still contain many other unhealthy ingredients, such as sodium or fats.
Baby food rules are the 'Wild West'
The researchers looked at the nutritional value and promotional content of baby and toddler foods (ages six to 36 months) from the top 10 U.S. supermarket chains in 2023. The stores were: Walmart, Kroger, Costco, Ahold Delhaize, Publix, Sam's Club, Target and Aldi.
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Infant formula, fortified milk, and oral electrolytes are not included because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulates these products separately.

The products were evaluated based on the requirements of the WHO Nutrient and Promotion Profile Model (NPPM). Dunford explained that this guideline was selected because the WHO sets high and healthy standards for baby and infant foods, which she noted are often lacking in many countries.
"When it comes to baby food regulation, it's a bit of the Wild West," said Dunford, who added that without proper regulation, nutrition claims can go unchecked.
Of the 651 products tested, the study found that 60 percent did not meet the NPPM nutritional requirements and none met the promotional requirements. Nearly 100 percent of products had at least one claim on the packaging that was prohibited under the NPPM, with some products having up to 11 prohibited claims. Snack food packaging was the least compliant with the nutritional requirements.
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The lowest compliance of all products was found for 'protein content' (29 percent) and the highest for 'total fat' (92.7 percent).
Only 55 percent of products met the total sugar recommendations, with compliance lowest for 'dry or semi-dry snacks and finger foods'.
Although WHO baby food guidelines require age labels to indicate age in years or months, many products imply age through vague descriptions such as "nanny," "toddler," "crawling baby" or "preschooler," the researchers said.
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The researchers also found that baby food pouches are the fastest growing segment in the market, with sales growing 900 percent over the past 13 years.
Pouches were among the least healthy products assessed, with less than seven percent meeting total sugar recommendations.
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Andrea Carpenter, a registered dietitian and owner of NutriKidz in Toronto, noted that fruit pouches are primarily marketed for convenience.
"Parents are busy and we as parents look for shortcuts. And it's unfortunate that we can't always rely on products that may be specifically targeted to children. One of the biggest concerns I have about pouches is the potential for them to become a staple in a baby's diet," she said.
While fruit pouches are fine in moderation, Carpenter cautioned that they are often high in sugar and can prevent a child from learning essential skills such as chewing, biting and swallowing. Introducing different textures into a baby's diet is crucial to their development, she said.
As for the recommended amount of sugar, she said Canada has no concrete guidelines.
"The recommendation is to avoid it and keep it to a minimum in children under two years of age. So we really want to keep added sugars to a minimum," she said.
While Dunford doesn't expect any changes to infant and toddler food regulations anytime soon, she believes these findings should be a wake-up call for policymakers. In the meantime, she encourages parents to educate themselves about nutrition labels on baby products.
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Carpenter believes that supermarket baby foods, such as fruit pouches and rice crackers, are fine in moderation. However, she stresses the importance of being creative to ensure your child is getting the right nutrition.
"Whether it's larger rice crackers or something like the little star-shaped balls, I think they can play a great role in practicing skills like their pincer grip," she said.
"And it's a great way to introduce some texture to kids who might be a little more reluctant to feed themselves. You can use them as a vehicle for other foods. So the larger rice crackers, for example, add more nutrient-dense [ingredients] such as hummus or mashed avocado would allow that food to be used in a more appropriate way to provide the child with better nutrition."
She stressed that an important tip for the first few years of a child's life is to minimize sugar and sodium intake. When cooking at home, it's best to avoid adding too much salt or sugar.
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Carpenter also recommended batch cooking to save time. She recommends making large quantities of homemade baby food and then freezing it in small containers with the contents and ingredients labeled.
"Try to use a wide variety of flavors and textures and try to introduce your baby to the flavors and foods that your family typically enjoys. Because the goal or the end goal would be for your baby to eventually eat with the rest of the family," Carpenter said.