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More Reviews on Girl, Wash Your Face

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
By Elizabeth Prata
The week that was. I'd reviewed a popular book called "Girl, Wash Your Face" last week. It is an extremely popular book, sold as a How/To and published by an allegedly Christian writer, Rachel Hollis.
Speak to doctrinal or biblical living expectations, and the hits are low. Speak against a hugely popular "Christian celebrity" and the hits are high. But that is OK, because if any woman learns something that crosses the line for her, biblically, and avoids yet another Christian-ish celebrity author, than I'm happy. Essay views for the day before and after I'd reviewed Girl, Wash Your Face:
More reviews on Girl, Wash Your Face
Rachel Hollis's writing is great and her stories are affecting, but that's often the issue. Engaging and skillful writers who connect with an audience over a slim veneer of Christianity are rife these days, to the detriment of women who need and want depth of scripture for life's issues.
Sadly, many of Hollis's ideas are not based on a strong Christian foundation. Thus, her book and its advice fails to rely on the atoning work of Jesus on the cross for our sins, and instead promotes a secular worldview of self-sufficiency. It's about raising our self-esteem, which I am good and plenty sick of reading about from supposed Christian authors. The book is mainly grrrrrl power self-bootstraps advice, so I gave the book a thumbs-down.
Hollis's theology should give you all you need to know about whether to take her advice in Girl:
More reviews on Girl, Wash Your Face
Sheologians writer Summer White Jaeger published a review of the book yesterday. One thing I like to do when I write, or speak, or come to believe something based on my faith is to check it against the word, of course. But I also like to check against what other Christians are saying. I don't exist in a vacuum, and I always need to ensure that my narrow center line of life & doctrine is still on the center line, not varying to the left or right.
I was pleased to see that Jaeger's concerns in part 1 of the review were similar to mine. She noted that Hollis is giving out life advice to the general Christian female world from her vantage point of all of 35 years old. She noticed Hollis doesn't mention much about sin. And so on. Jaeger is planning a part 2, so she didn't get into Hollis's theology as much yet. Read part 1 here and Jaeger's part 2 is here.
Also: Katie at Uncomfortable Grace (on Facebook) wrote a short review, also, here
Alisa Childers wrote a review of the book here
The Theology Gals reviewed Girl, Wash Your Face and spoke of Hollis's faith in general from a discernment aspect, here.
Michelle Lesley reviewed it here.
I wrote 2 companion pieces to my book review of Girl, Wash Your Face, about the problem of and solution to Christian Celebrity Moms like Hollis, here-
Many Christian Celebrity Moms are Distorting Biblical Motherhood; Part 1
Many Christian Celebrity Moms are Distorting Biblical Motherhood; Part 2

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