Aubrey Peters
All Voices
Jacob Travis McDaniel, 20, reportedly took the clip out of the gun he used to slay the 16-year-old girl before pointing it at her chest and pulling the trigger. However, the little numbskull didn't check the chamber. It's a pretty universally known fact that there is usually "one in the chamber" when it comes to handguns, so either this guy is a complete nincompoop, or this accident wasn't as accidental as everyone is accepting it to be. The situation reportedly took place when McDaniel was showing off his guns, undoubtedly a happy new gun owner who had not been given the proper gun owner education that he should have been required to have before even operating a gun, much less owning one. It's reported that he wanted Aubrey to hold the handgun that ended up killing her, but she refused -- wisely declining because she felt uncomfortable. Jacob McDaniel then reportedly took out the clip, aimed and fired. "What just happened?"
According to the ABC report, the young idiot gun owner is being charged with reckless homicide. I'm not sure what the author of the above article wants, first degree murder, maybe?
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