Arts & Crafts Magazine

More Fox Stitch Guides!

By Ada
Ruth Schmuff has written guides for and kitted up my other two fox designs too-- here is a look at the Summer Fox:
More Fox Stitch Guides!

I am really loving those variegated silks on the bottom left-- someone hurry and stitch this one, I want to see what those will look like!!Last but not least (and my personal favorite of the four) is the Spring Fox:More Fox Stitch Guides!More gorgeous silks for this one, plus look at the silk ribbon/sequin combo for the flowers-- those will be gorgeous!Meanwhile, at least one person is already stitching up a storm on the Winter Fox-- this is Caroline's progress so far:More Fox Stitch Guides!I really like the fur, which is all in Very Velvet.  She's saving the best for last-- the snowflake embellishments!  Looks like she will be done in no time!  Stay tuned for updates, and Happy Stitching!

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