Art & Design Magazine


By Waynechisnall @WayneChisnall

The trailer for Monster has been out for a while now but at the time I absent mindedly forgot to give it a mention. So here it is.
As you may remember from some of my earlier posts, Monster is one of the nine short films that make up the movie, Blaze of Gory. In the trailer we see actress Sandra Wer as psychopathic killer and arsonist, Stacey, and in the background, a few of the 15 paintings that I created for the film.

Monster is about a young girl locked away in a high-security mental hospital for a series of brutal crimes and is basedon the writings of Blaize-Alix Szanto, who wrote a series of very disturbing stories between the ages of 12 and 15. The cast includes scream-queen Victoria Broom, and ex-Coronation Street legend Martin Hancock. The film's director is Andy Edwards, whose previous horror anthology feature, the chilling triptych "Three's A Shroud", won the British Horror Award at the British Horror Film Festival 2012. To see stills from the set of Monster check out Paranoid Android Films on Facebook.

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