
Monsoon Guide for Your Pet They Will Secretly Thank You for

Posted on the 13 July 2022 by Geetikamalik

After the temperature soaring, the rainy season has given relief that is very necessary. The perfect weather requires fun roads outside. Together with us, hairy pets can touch the road outside the hot sun.

Just like we change our lifestyle based on the weather, our feathered friends also need changes in lifestyle, depending on their age and needs. There are many things to consider during the rainy season.

Pets, especially dogs, are susceptible to dyspepsia, some skin conditions and diseases. During this time, it is very important to keep their floors dry, healthy and clean.


  • After the walk, pet them dry to make sure that all the moisture is absorbed by
  • Keep the fur clean and infection-free. You can watch out for ticks.
  • A walk outdoors means your pet’s paw is exposed to different microbes which if not taken care of, can lead to infection. Make sure you clean their paws and muddy backsplash, with warm water.
  • Heavy downpour outside means your pet might miss out on their walks. Make sure you provide exercise at home or keep them busy. The monotonous rains can make them bored and grumpy. Keep them engaged with their favorite toys.
  • It is important to keep a check on their diet during this time. Switch to light food which is full of nutrients for them. Consult with a vet before making the switch.
  • Clean up their food and water bowl at regular intervals. Due to the drop in temperature, your pet might decrease its water intake. Keep your pet hydrated.
  • The floors of the house can get cold for the young pups or for the older pets. Do not let them sleep on the cold floor directly. Arrange for a bed.
  • Thunderstorms are extremely scary for them. Keep the doors and windows locked. In case your dog escapes the house, make sure you have your contact details attached to the collar.
The post Monsoon Guide for Your Pet They Will Secretly Thank You for first appeared on - In-Depth, Latest and Fastest News Porta.

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