Family Magazine

Monkey Well Being

By Evette Garside @evette77

I have 3 children. All of them born via C section. So I know only too well the fear of going into hospital for an operation. I’m older so can cope with the jabs and the blood tests. But what about a child, what if one of my children had to go into hospital. How would I prepare them for it?

Jordanna has been in hospital a few times. She got knocked over when she was 2, then had her fingertip amputated by a safety door aged just 3. For her finger she had to then endure numerous follow up visits and re bandaging, all of which very painful. I wish I’d had something to prepare her for it or make her feel slightly more at ease.

Monkey Well Being have a selection of books and packs designed for children who are facing operations or need to spend time in hospital.
This is their activity pack.


It contains a selection of books, including an activity book with puzzles and some short story books. The books feature a character known as Monkey. Monkey is in fact a puppet who also came with my pack. Monkey can be put on a parents hand whilst reading the books to a child. Young children will enjoy the puppet monkey interaction with the stories.


The Monkey Well being series is created by “Mum on a mission” Helen Sadler. The idea came about when her own child had to go into hospital at the young age of 18 months. Helen was unable to find any relevant books to help her child through the hospital experience so decided to create her own. Her storybook “Monkey goes to hospital” was born. Then came two more books “Monkey has an Operation” and “Monkey has a blood test”. All the books feature the loveable monkey puppet and show monkey in hospital as he too prepares for operations and blood tests. The aim is too prepare children and hopefully make them a little less anxious.


Helens full story can be read on the Monkey Well Being site or following this link. There are lots of other monkey books available too such as “Monkey has a hearing test”.

Sticker packs can also be purchased along with the monkey puppet and everything is available through the website
Schools and other youth organisations can even get whole packs including lesson plans to help children cope with going to hospital.

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