Books Magazine

Monday Moves

By Jcomeaux @LadyWave4
Happy Monday! Today on Monday Moves I'm featuring a skater with whom the casual fan might not be familiar. Jonathan Cassar only made it onto the Nationals NBC broadcast once, I think, but his skating was always more than worthy of being shown to the world. He may not have had the big jumps to compete with the top guys, but he had such an emotional connection to the music and an amazing performance ability. He also gave us one of the iconic moves in the sport - his gorgeous, breathtaking spread eagle. That's the move from his Schindler's List program that I'm featuring below:

This is a such an exciting week for me because FIGHTING FOR THE EDGE releases tomorrow!!!! It seemed like this day would never get here! I'll be posting the cover here late tonight. I'm so anxious for you all to see it! :) 

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