Community Magazine

Mommy Said...

By Zakialacey @zakialaceyblog
Everyone that knows me knows that I can't stand my sperm donor, but one thing that I have never done was talk bad about him to Zahara, or in front of her. Ladies, I understand your anger and frustrations but please think before you speak.
Children are very smart and in due time they will have their own feelings towards their non custodial parent. Let's face it ladies, we chose these losers. If we didn't actually "choose" them (or trap them like they like to believe we did) we chose to remain pregnant so we must realize that some things we have to let go. None of us are perfect parents, and yes some of these dads really suck but keep the negative energy away from your children. Talking bad about your children's father in front of them actually says a lot about your character; it shows your children that mommy is angry and bitter and that's not cool. I am not suggesting that you lie to your children or sugar coat things but save the negative talks about daddy for private conversations with your friends and family. My dad sucked, but my mother never talked about him to us. She just did her job and we figured out that he was a piece of shit on our own.

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