This week will probably be a very slow and quiet one around here (as the last few weeks have been) because we’re MOVING! We finally found a nice little space to call our own that we can afford with just my husband’s income, and all this week we’ll be packing up and taking things over so that hopefully by the weekend we can move our beds and be settled in to our new home.
And then, I hope to start a new series of posts outside of fashion called (as the title of this post reveals) “Mom Life.” Which pretty much explains itself: snapshots and blogs about real mom life in all of its chaos and glory. You all know I’ve been hoping to add more to my blogging range outside of fashion (which I will definitely keep), but I’ve been waiting for us to have our own home again. And it’s finally happening! I cannot even express how excited I am!

In the meantime, I hope you all have had a fantastic 4th of July weekend, have a wonderful week or two while I am all quiet on the blogosphere, and enjoy these pictures of Asa sticking crayons in between his toes because… I don’t know why. He does it every time we get crayons out.
Also, he got his first haircut yesterday and I am NOT ready for him to look this old. My baby is suddenly a little boy and I don’t know how it happened.

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