Lifestyle Magazine

Molly Monday: Coopers Rock Part II

By Courtneysims @courtneynora

The last time we went to Coopers Rock, it was the middle of winter. It was snowing, freezing and Molly ended up with so much snow in her fur she was wet for an hour! This time was a much different experience. We decided to do the hike to the Coopers Rock overlook that we’d kept hearing people talk about. We parked 3 miles down, so we had a 3 mile hike up and 3 miles back down! It was great exercise and Molly loved it.

Molly at Coopers Rock

Molly at Coopers Rock Overlook

Coopers Rock Overlook

The overlook was gorgeous! Tons of lush, green trees and you could see the river in the distance. I’d love to hike more of the trails and see some more sights, especially in the fall. We took one detour to a reservoir (aka the only standing water I’ve seen in West Virginia to-date) and due to a moron-moment on my part, Molly was covered in mud within about 15 seconds!

Also, just a little note: There were parking lots every half mile or so up the trail. The 6 mile hike was unnecessary, but I think I’d do it all over again if I went back. The overlook was a treat after you’ve worked for it!

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