Why on Earth would Free Planet want to suggest that a bronze-age shoulder decoration called the Mold Gold Cape that was found in Wales should have ANYTHING TO DO WITH Ancient Egyptian Burial Practices?
The Mold Cape is a solid sheet-gold object dating from about 1900–1600 BC in the European Bronze Age. It was found at Mold in Flintshire, Wales, in 1833. The cape is thought to have formed part of a ceremonial dress, perhaps with religious connections. It is housed at the British Museum in London. [source WIKI]
Wales is so out of place, geographically from north Africa i.e. Egypt. But notice if you will (in the image below from the Chapel of Anubis in Thebes) the three seated figures, wearing what looks like the exact same shoulder-restraining decorated wraparound decoration. And one can easily travel by boat from Egypt (or anywhere in the Mediterranean) to Wales via the Iberian i.e. Atlantic coast.
detail from the Chapel of Anubis in Thebes
Unless, of course, this style of bejewelled precious metal adornment was introduced into Egypt BY the Celts of Briton via their Atlantic-coast or Pillars of Hercules trading partners, the Iberians. In fact, one of the earliest written inscriptions dedicated to the Celts comes courtesy of the people of this southern Iberian region. But it's not written in Celtic... like many other later Celtic inscriptions that have Roman or Latin characters... this earliest piece appears to be written in the adoptive language of Phoenician.
And on to the obvious question about 'the lost language of the celts', "How can such a vast trading empire spreading east from Briton to the Balkans have had NO WRITTEN COMPONENT of its CTL or Celtic Trade Language," surely the accountants (or whatever faction of the Druid Tripartite) would have insisted on some form of rows-n-columns account-ability?