Fashion Magazine


By Lovelybylucy @lovelybylucy

lovelybylucy minimalism acne mohairacne long mohair cardigancasual black and gray cardigan lookand other stories black strap flats shoesoutfit black shirt dress acne long gray cardiganacne raya mohair cardigan lovelybylucy

There’s one more thing I got in Copenhagen that I didn’t show you yet, but it’s the piece I’m most excited about. It’s big, it’s grey, it’s mohair. Say hello to my new I-want-to-live-in-this Acne cardigan. One more thing to love about Copenhagen: Acne is quite a bit less expensive here! So when I went into 1 of the many (many!) stores that sell Acne and I saw this mohairy baby, and it turned out to be priced friendlier than I thought – I (and it) was sold. Wearing it in a super simple outfit here with my favorite shirt dress and new shoes – I can’t deny being much inspired by the stylish minimalism of the Danes. I wish there was a handbook on how to look Danish because people seem to be wearing the most simple outfits here but can make shorts and a top look like a model off duty look without even trying.

I’m leaving Copenhagen today, it was such a great week and I’ve had so much fun but I kind of miss my own bed as well and there’s new adventures to come, pretty much as soon as I get back actually. I still have many pictures of Copenhagen to show you though, how would you guys feel about a huge photo diary to show all the things I’ve been up to? Let me know!

Mohair Cardigan: Acne (available here and here) / Shirt dress: ASOS (back in stock!) / Shoes: And Other Stories / Bag: Alexander Wang
Pictures by Debbie

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