There’s one more thing I got in Copenhagen that I didn’t show you yet, but it’s the piece I’m most excited about. It’s big, it’s grey, it’s mohair. Say hello to my new I-want-to-live-in-this Acne cardigan. One more thing to love about Copenhagen: Acne is quite a bit less expensive here! So when I went into 1 of the many (many!) stores that sell Acne and I saw this mohairy baby, and it turned out to be priced friendlier than I thought – I (and it) was sold. Wearing it in a super simple outfit here with my favorite shirt dress and new shoes – I can’t deny being much inspired by the stylish minimalism of the Danes. I wish there was a handbook on how to look Danish because people seem to be wearing the most simple outfits here but can make shorts and a top look like a model off duty look without even trying.
I’m leaving Copenhagen today, it was such a great week and I’ve had so much fun but I kind of miss my own bed as well and there’s new adventures to come, pretty much as soon as I get back actually. I still have many pictures of Copenhagen to show you though, how would you guys feel about a huge photo diary to show all the things I’ve been up to? Let me know!
Mohair Cardigan: Acne (available here and here) / Shirt dress: ASOS (back in stock!) / Shoes: And Other Stories / Bag: Alexander Wang
Pictures by Debbie