With whimsical details like beautiful flowers in the prettiest shades of yellow and a breathtaking backdrop that only Santorini can offer this destination wedding captured by George Pahountis has chic written all over it.

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis
“Jon and I met through mutual friends at the Sensation White party in London. Jon proposed to me on a very sunny day in Israel overlooking The Baha’i Gardens in Haifa.”

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis
“Jon and I were on the way to Jerusalem and he managed to convince the driver to take us on a detour to Haifa, without me knowing… when we got out we were nowhere near Jerusalem! He took me by the hand overlooking the gardens and proposed! I didn’t see it coming, but it was one of our happiest moments…”

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis
“We had a very intimate civil wedding in London, the week before our big wedding in Santorini. This was held with close family and friends. It was very small, very intimate, but was one of the most special days of our lives.”

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis
“We chose Santorini because we had been there before, and during that time Jon got very sick. So we didn’t get to see much of the island as we’d hope to! The moments we did share we thought it was ‘heaven on earth’… Jon was passionate about doing a destination wedding, as he had been to a few before. When we had to pick the destination, Santorini was on the top of the list.”

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis
“My bouquet was a medium-round bouquet with white and pale yellow flowers including peonies, roses, tulips, freesias and olive branches. So very fresh yet fragrant and an ode to Greece with the olive branches.”

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis
“I love color combinations that work with the surroundings. In Santorini I knew I wanted to have a bright royal blue, as it works so well with the sky, the white buildings, and the sea. I looked at complimentary colors and felt that a soft yellow would work very well. We both also like things to look classic, clean and relaxed. Jon put trust in me on that point!”

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis
“Fabio Zardi did all the wedding decorations. We knew from the start that they would be perfect for the job. I wanted the wedding decoration to be modern and clean but not distracting. Drawing from inspiration, I wanted to have a lot of glassware on the table centres with long clean stems. We had a beautiful gazebo garland.”

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis
“I found inspiration and ideas when planning my wedding… everywhere! I researched blogs especially articles that covered Santorini, google, memories of the island and speaking to Santorinians! In Greece, everyone wants to help everybody! The whole wedding was planned remotely from England!”

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis
“The best moment of our wedding was reading vows to each other, we were both in tears.”

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis
“My wedding dress was made by my best friend, Hanne Cauwenbergh of Millefeuille. The inspiration was from a dress I had seen the year before, of a summer wedding in Australia, I wanted something simple and modern with long sleeves and a v neck that was fitted to my body.”

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis
The bride’s advice: “Weddings are emotional, expensive, political… don’t let anyone influence what you want. Don’t let anyone pressure you to invite them…”

Wedding Photographer : George Pahountis
WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER : Pahountis PhotographyWedding Videography : I like to Movie it
Pahountis Photography are on Love4Wed Selected Vendors.
PHOTOGRAPHYPahountis Photography
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