Society Magazine

Modern Men Are Now Better with Money Than Women

Posted on the 07 May 2013 by 72point @72hub

Modern men are generally better with money than women, new research has revealed. A study found that it’s men who are more likely to live within their means, put money into savings and stick to a budget.

By comparison, nearly three quarters of women struggle to make their wages last from one month to the next.

And six in ten women admit they live beyond their means, with 44% regularly having to resort to using a credit card to survive.

Andy Oldham, Managing Director at cashback site Quidco, which commissioned the research, said:

”Everyone handles their money differently but these results show a big difference when it comes to men and women.

”Women are traditionally seen as the ones most capable of looking after their cash, but it seems that it’s actually men who are most careful with money.

”They manage to stick to a budget and make their earnings last from one pay day, until the next and are still able to put some away into savings.

”But women aren’t all bad with money. While they might struggle to make their wages stretch as far as they would like, they seem to have a keen eye for a bargain.

”Using discount vouchers and cashback can go a long way to helping you save a huge amount of money and mean they may eventually end up being able to put more away into savings.”

The study also found that while women might not be great at putting money aside, they are the big bargain hunters always on the lookout for money-off vouchers or discount codes.

It also emerged that while women are likely to set a budget and plan their spending – 72% compared to just 60% of men – it’s guys who actually stick to it.

When it comes to savings, more than one in four women never put anything aside for a rainy day, while just one in five men say the same.

And of those who do save, the average woman pays in £109 a month compared to the average male figure of £132.

In total, women have an average of £3,222 stashed away – £563 less than the average man’s total of £3,785.

Researchers also found that 60% of women admit to splurging on expensive items or things they don’t really need compared to just 53% of men.

And 67% of women often have moments of regret after buying something because they didn’t think about it first, compared to just 54% of men.

However, when it comes to shopping around for large and expensive items, women are more likely to take their time and search for the best deal before splashing the cash.

Almost eight in ten women also said they look for vouchers or discount codes before buying something while just 67% of guys said the same.

Women are also most likely to shop via a cashback site – 49% compared to 46% of men.

Andy Oldham from Quidco, added:

”We provide our members with a number of moneysaving tools, meaning there is something for everyone.

”Whether you want to use vouchers, a mobile app, or take advantage of online and in store cashback, savings can be made in every home and on every UK high-street.

”Families already using us, earn around £780 a year in doing so, which can be put towards the savings gap identified in this study.

”As household budgets continue to struggle, Quidco is confident everyone can take advantage of our service offered on a free or Premium basis.”

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