Google launched the Mobile-first Index algorithm in 2018.
This means that it is high time to pay special attention to mobile versions of sites. If you certainly want to be at the top of the search engine output. In this article, we will talk about the importance of the mobile version of the site, as well as about its adaptive design.

The importance of the adaptive design of the site
Users work with the site from phones, computers, tablets, and for each screen size, they expect a user-friendly and working interface.
Adaptive design is a site design that is shown up correctly on any device: mobile phones, tablets, computers. Its task is to adapt all elements of the site page to fit any screen. For this purpose designers often use iPhone mockup .
A humane designer is worried about how the user sees the site from each device and is concerned about its convenience.
The Illiterate Designer uses give or take the same website template for all . If you think about it, even changing the location of icons and the count in the mobile version makes the site much more convenient.
Above we used the words "adaptive" and "responsive" design but did not explain what it is. The terms are many years old, but for non-specialists, we will make a little introduction.
Responsive Design allows the same website layout to be displayed on different gadgets. Templates sites are stretched or compressed for different sizes, keeping full information.
Adaptive Design includes several layouts with fixed sizes. The layout of the site adjusts to the screen size of each individual device.
When a user goes to a site that uses Adaptive Design, they see the version that best suits their gadget. The difference in these approaches to mobile design is as simple as possible: Responsive - one template for all devices, adaptive - a separate template for each gadget.
The sequence of color and design solutions throughout the site is a critical point for mobile versions. The phone screen allows you to cover much less detail than a computer monitor or tablet. Everybody knows this, but not everybody makes the right conclusions.
When a user goes from page to page, he should understand that it is the same site. Small details, color scheme, notifications and visual hierarchy should be if not the same, then as much as possible similar on each page of the mobile version, so as not to confuse the user.
This idea should be adopted by bright projects that love complex graphic design and are not afraid of bold color schemes.
What the user expects from the website
- High-resolution images.
- Readable texts.
- Good display on all devices, as well as when you rotate the screen.
- The scale on the site when changing the size of the browser window.
- All the elements of the site work properly.
Improve your mobile version and monitor the result.