Gardening Magazine

Mish Mashin' Mondays

By Kate_miller

Mish Mashin' Mondays

Perennial Snapdragons, one of the cheeriest flowers in my autumn garden.

May I just say...?
This was one glorious autumn weekend! Though I had to fight tooth and nail to make it happen.

Mish Mashin' Mondays

Over-achieving John Cabot Roses are still budding ~ into their 4th flowering month.

I'm odd [on many levels] but my top oddity ~ the one that makes other people c-c-c-crazy ~ is how sometimes I desperately need some down time.
As in, alone time.

Mish Mashin' Mondays

Helianthus, perennial sunflowers. Had I deadheaded, she might have gifted with more blossoms.

I imagine that's the introvert in me. Hard to explain to those extroverts skulking about. Doubly hard to explain without hurting those dear friends' feelings.

Mish Mashin' Mondays

Thankfully, wild Coneflowers saw the need for more color and came to my rescue.

Do you ever feel like this?  How it might be awfully convenient if cell phones were never invented? ('Cause, unlike landlines, they know you're not picking up.)
At the very least, they should offer a 50% off plan for weirdos like me who prefer to make calls, not necessarily receive them.

Mish Mashin' Mondays

Blanket flowers, Catmint, and one last Pincushion threatening a bloom.

So, I'm feeling a tad bit guilty about saying, Oh, sorry... Super busy! (When I wasn't at all.) But, sometimes a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do.
And, that scheme was a huge success. I managed to schedule absolutely nothin' for the entire weekend. Which gives most normal folks the yawns. But, I haven't had time off like that in... well, never.
Which means there's nothing worth reporting. Except for this mind boggling science experiment:

Mish Mashin' Mondays

Most beloved kitty: Bright eyes now match his bushy tail.

My sweet kit cat, Buddy, has been battling an eye infection. And, I've been battling the need to take him to the vet -- because visiting the vet really stresses him out. (And, I've got the scars to prove it!)
Mish Mashin' Mondays
So, I tried that home recipe of 1 TBS apple cider vinegar rubbed into the nape of his neck. And, whaddyaknow. It works! Trust me, I was more skeptical than you are but 1) it worked on a pretty serious eye infection. 2) in 48 hours and 3) for some odd reason he didn't try to fight me when I poured that stuff on his head.
Last but not least!
I've harvested a ton of Mom's heirloom Hollyhock seeds. Want some?
Tip: If you experience rust on hollyhocks, remove the stalks and all debris early in the fall. Rust is a fungus that overwinters in hollyhocks, causing problems the following summer.
* Mish Mash Mondays is the brainchild of my dear friend, Monica ~ whom I haven't chatted with in awhile. Because she, like me, aren't answering our phones. :)

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