After all, he did wander into OUR yard and looked just like one of our stuffies!!

We decided we were going to tag team him.
I'll play with him for a bit and then give Maggie a chance, and then maybe end with a tug-o-war as we always do.
Good idea right?!
Yeah, so we thought until Maggie decided to "shake 'em up" as she likes to do with her stuffies.
Only this time the "stuffie" fought back and fought back hard!!! We don't ever remember them having sharp teeth and claws!
Well, to spare you the gruesome details and images, the backyard looked like a crime scene.
Mom totally panicked when she heard all the commotion and saw all the blood.
Before we knew it our heads were wrapped in towels and we were off to the vets.
The vet said we were really lucky.
That little scoundrel did a number in my mouth but no stitches were needed.
Just another round of rabies shots and some antibiotics.
Maggie's bite marks are already healing...

Mom asked if we've learned our lesson.
Of course we have.
Never trust a wandering stuffie!!!