Did you know that around 30-50% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage? Wow, the number of pregnancies that end in miscarriage is so high. However, most of the miscarriages end before a woman even finds out she is expecting and often go undetected. Most miscarriages happen before a woman even knows she is pregnant, it often happens before or during the implantation process. Making her get her period around the same time that she would normally be expecting it. This type of miscarriage is a random event and healthcare providers think these types of miscarriages happen because there was a chromosomal abnormality. A chromosomal abnormality makes it very difficult for it the fertilized egg to survive and grow properly.
Disclosure: This post is for informational purposes only. Please seek additional help from a health care provider, doctor, your OB/GYN, or go to the nearest emergency room if you feel that you are having a miscarriage.
A woman who finds out that she is expecting has a 10-20% chance of having a miscarriage before she reaches the second trimester or 12 weeks gestation. A miscarriage are can occur at anytime during the delicate process that takes place during the early stages of the embryos development. The egg will implant into the lining of the uterus, the gestational sac will form, and the placenta will begin growing. Once the placenta begins growing, it starts secreting a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). HCG has to be present in order for a pregnancy test to show a positive result.
What is a Blighted Ovum?
A great deal of women will not show the symptoms of a miscarriage and will go to their doctor thinking they are pregnant. However, when you go in for a sonogram sometimes the sonogram technician will see an empty fetal sac or a baby that has stopped growing. This type of miscarriage is referred to as a blighted ovum or early pregnancy failure.
Once You Hear A Heart Beat and Don’t Have Any Symptoms of a Miscarriage Then the Chances of Having A Miscarriage Decreases
If you have heard your baby’s heart beat, typically around 6 weeks gestation, the chances of miscarriage drops significantly as long as you aren’t experiencing any symptoms of bleeding and cramping, and the chances of a miscarriage will continue to decrease with each passing week. Most women are out of the woods once they reach 12 weeks gestation; however, sometimes the baby’s heart rate will stop beating for whatever reason before a woman reaches the 20th week of gestation.
What are Some Reasons Why A Woman Will Have a Miscarriage?
Most of all miscarriage’s happen due to chromosomal issues in the fertilized egg and have no bearing on the parent’s health. In fact, most doctors will not investigate a miscarriage unless a woman has several in a row. Here is a list of some of the reasons that a woman may have a miscarriage for:
- Issue with their hormones
- Environmental exposure or workplace hazards (Working around chemicals, radiation, or toxic agents)
- Severe kidney disease
- Congenital heart disease
- Incompetent cervix
- Uterine problems
- Infections
- Medication
- Radiation treatments
- Severe malnutrition
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Thyroid disease
- Autoimmune diseases
- Lifestyle issues (heavy smoking, heavy drinking, use of illegal drugs)
What Are The Symptoms of a Miscarriage?
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms during pregnancy, you need to contact your OB/GYN or go to the nearest emergency room immediately. It is important to seek early treatment, to prevent possible health issues for you or your baby. The following symptoms are a sign of a possible miscarriage:
- Severe cramps
- Light to heavy bleeding (includes spotting)
- Fever
- Back pain
- Weakness
- Abdominal cramps
A miscarriage can be devastating for the expectant parents. If you or someone you know has a miscarriage, check out “Surviving a Miscarriage“. This article has some great tips and suggestions for parents who are suffering the loss of a baby.
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