Life Coach Magazine
"My love for Mohan started when I was a little girl the time when I didn't understand the real meaning of love. We used to play together and my favorite game was when he became husband and I became his wife. This was my dream actually this is my dream. All these years we shared everything with each other. When he went abroad for studies he called me daily. I too keep him updated of happenings here. Love was understood between us. We were close enough that words are not required to confirm our relationship.
Our parents talked many times about our marriage in front of us. We both liked those discussions,I used to shy away from their and he teased me for that making me upset and then amended his mistakes with hugs and kisses and ..... I waited for her return but he disappointed me. He returned with a girl and declared to his parents that he would marry her. It came as a shock to me. We talked almost everyday but he never told me about her. He said that I was his best friend and would understand him better than his parents. He was also my best friend did he understand me ?
I tried to forget him,tried to remove his memories from each corner of my room,from everything that belonged to me,from pillows,from curtains,from walls and from every bit of me. All my efforts were in vain, I found him everywhere. Everything I wear, everything I use was of his choice, my appearance was also as he liked ,I was all his and he should be mine for now and forever. He came few minutes back to give me condolences but it was not enough. I have drank poison and I will die soon to make him mine forever."
She put her diary and pen aside and lay down beside Mohan's dead body.
Taking part in A to Z challenge and Ultimate Blog Challenge
Today's alphabet is M and it's UBC DAY 15.