I love writing and designing the books that I create.
I design all my book covers, but I do not draw the illustrations. I legally choose images that I like after they are licensed to me to use, and I create my own covers.
I am not the artist of the photos. But I am the designer of the covers. Everybody tells me that they love my covers, thank you. I love them too!
I am the sole writer and author of all my novels and blurbs, and I am the sole manager and founder of my self-owned business that I prepared for ahead of time to see come into fruition. I am a self-made businessperson and entrepreneur.
I have made sales from the beginning up until now with my literature and I am grateful and thankful.
People do not have to leave reviews. Reviews are just one’s perspective or opinion. Reviews do not mean a book is good or bad. I do not seek out reviews. If people leave them or not, I really do not care. I do not validate myself or my work upon reviews or whether others leave a review.
I know that my books are good if other people like them or not is of no concern to me. I am very secure and confident within myself and my abilities. I will always continue to write and publish regardless.
However, it is nice to know that there are people who like or love my books just as much as I do, and I genuinely appreciate the interest.
I enjoy sharing my stories and I enjoy being a part of a literary community of authors who entertain, enrich, and offer an engaging escape into the world of imagination through the creative power and beauty of storytelling.
I congratulate and cheer on all the fabulous authors, writers, and spiritually gifted children (old or young) out there who hone, inspire, and put forth their craft.
If you have a goal, a dream, a calling–make that shit happen! Do not let anyone or anything hold you back. Listen to your intuitive guide (that inner voice of spirit) and inherent spiritual power and preternatural ability while keeping the faith to know that everything will inevitably go in your favor no matter what.
Fuck the demonic people that may come up against you because they do not stand a chance when it comes to those of us living under divine, supernatural protection. It is our time to shine even brighter than ever!
Paper Dolls

Paper Dolls


The Cafe Lounge

On This Day: A Marriage Made In Murder

The Session: Murder At Midnight

The Bakery Boutique: Desserts To Die For


The Demons