Via FoxNews: ”NASA has announced it is to fund construction of the world’s first ever 3D food printer. The American space company has given a $125,000 grant to mechanical engineer Anjan Contractor, who has already designed the machine. And the space agency hopes it will eventually be able to provide food for astronauts on long-distance journeys through space. It is also thought the printers might help cut food waste globally, as the cartridges wouldn’t go out of date for over 30 years and could only be refilled when they had completely run out.”
First things first. I’ve been looking at that picture for 10 minutes and I have no clue what any of that means. 2nd, What. The. Fuck. Cure world hunger? What the hell are we waiting for people? And excuse me for a minute if I don’t believe for ONE SECOND that the world’s hunger problem can be cured with a $125,000 printer. Somebody better stop fucking with me and tell me the truth because if this is true, why are we just making this thing? We spend $125k on dumb shit all the time and freakin’ Anjan Contractor (really Contractor is his last name?) is just popping up on the scene and blowing our minds with a 3D food printer. I can’t even handle this shit.
In all seriousness, this is pretty cool. 3D printers in general blow my mind. Add in the fact that it could make a pizza, and I’m pretty much at full mass. All I can think about is 3D printing a pizza on the way home from the bar so that I can smash it the minute I walk through the door. You know, something like this.

P.S. Can’t believe I started a sentence with, “In all seriousness,” and then said I was at “full mass.” Real classy on my part to put boners in a sentence meant to be serious.