Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Millions Are Suffering from This After #CyberMonday and Don’t Realize It…

By Beccachopra @BeccaChopra

shoppingAfter a weekend starting with Black Friday and ending with Cyber Monday, we may all have consumerism addiction. Yes, corporations and their ad campaigns find it easy to lead us like lemmings to the sales. Which leads me to this book recommendation for both adults and their teenagers… Snowflake River, a mystical thriller in which a world blinded by greed and the constant bombardment of advertising is at odds with the Great Spirit and threatens the survival of humanity.

#Book Review and and Interview with the Author of Snowflake River

Snowflake River: A voyage into the Great Spirit by Ben-Ami Eliahu begins with a Minister of Health investigating Body Cooling Phenomenon (BCP), a deadly disease marked by a decline in body temperature plus hallucinations, a compulsion to buy, buy, buy, and eventual death. The affected population? Mostly young people in financially powerful countries.

The heroes? Two teenagers who are assigned a school project that takes them on an out-of-this-world adventure to find the cause of BCP. It’s inspiring that the teens are the ones to take on the corruption and greed in the world and learn how things mysteriously interconnect: neurotic, fearful Omer (who has contracted BCP) and Noa, a disabled but striking, red-headed girl.

The villain? The evil corporate power who is raping humanity’s consciousness of “spiritglow,” putting it in commercials to make those watching TV become really attached to the object shown. But the “spiritglow” also causes BCP and causes harm to the Great Spirit.

Through perseverance, courage and love, Omer and Noa unravel the secrets of an ancient tablet engraved with a symbol of spiral lines that leads to the source of all consciousness and take on those stealing “spiritglow.” Omer bravely risks his life, entering alternate universes, meeting celestial beings, and descending into a river of collective awareness and snowflakes that are memories of all of existence. Through Noa’s loving help, he returns to a better world.

The story has many fantastical elements and will be a page-turner for anyone into science fiction or the metaphysical.

Fiction with a message – a warning and a glimmer of hope for a world faced with global warming and brainwash advertising, I recommend sending a Kindle of this book to every one of your friends’ and children’s electronic devices.

Here, Ben-Ami Eliahu answers my questions about Snowflake River:

What inspired you to write Snowflake River?

When I started working on the first draft of Snowflake River, its main theme was the Great Spirit, and the base for my writing was my years-long thoughts about our existence, life and death, and the hidden connections between all people. I was also inspired by the work of Carlos Castaneda, like The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge.

In later drafts I added other themes, like consumerism and its unknown connections to the Great Spirit, and here I was inspired by people’s response to subliminal advertising, mainly children.

What message(s) would you like readers to take away from your book?

I hope it would be the understanding that people are not separate individuals as it may seem, but that we all share and have access to the huge pool of consciousness of our entire humanity. And I would like them to pay extra attention to the hidden reasoning behind seemingly innocent commercials.

I just read an article that scientists have proven the possibility of dream telepathy, something that occurs in your book. Are the fantasy elements in your book based in what you feel is true or possible?

Absolutely. Many researchers indicate that our thoughts are not limited to the sphere of our heads – they can be traced by sensors. Recent research has shown our thoughts can activate physical equipment, like prosthetic hands for handicapped people. So, if we know that our thoughts are not locked within us and that they are actually surrounding us, then we are only missing the part of how the thoughts interconnect – between people – and that, I believe, will also be understood in the future.

What is your writing process like? Do you do much research or mostly use your imagination?

It is the combination of imagination and research. Once I have ideas for elements that I think should be implemented in the story, I start researching them (sometimes too deeply, which slows the writing process) and only when I feel that they make sense, I use them. In addition, I always write down, in a notebook, interesting bits of information that I run across in my daily life.

Snowflake River is available on in both Kindle and paperback. The author welcomes readers to share their thoughts and views on the themes of the book at

Becca Chopra, author of The Chakra Diaries, Chakra Secrets, Balance Your Chakras-Balance Your Life, and The Chakra Energy Diet

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