Food & Drink Magazine

Milka Bubbles White Chocolate & Hazelnut

By Kev A @kevvieguy
Milka Bubbles White Chocolate & Hazelnut
I recently found this bar of Milka Bubbles White Chocolate in a discount store, and for only 60p I really couldn't say no and bought the last two bars they had. They're made by Mondelez Russia, and the bar has the same bubbly block design as the discontinued Dairy Milk Bubbly, with a nut filling above each block. According to the English translation on the wrapper, the filling is "crushed fried peanut", yet I can clearly see hazelnuts on the front of the wrapper...hmm something must have got lost in translation! 
Milka Bubbles White Chocolate & Hazelnut
The bar was hard to break evenly due to the bubbly blocks, but eventually I managed to glimpse some of the chopped nut filling above one of them...whether or not they were hazelnuts or crushed fried peanuts is anyone's guess!
Milka Bubbles White Chocolate & Hazelnut
The chocolate was overwhelmingly milky and had a strong vanilla flavour, but the nuts tasted stale and non-descript. The bar was pleasant enough but quickly became sickly sweet. 
Overall, this is a nice novelty and it's cool to see a Russian chocolate bar in UKstores, but it's not really one to look out for. 
6 out of 10. 

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