Celeb Magazine

Mila Kunis in Dolce & Gabbana at the Breakthrough Awards: Stunning Or Meh?

Posted on the 04 December 2017 by Sumithardia

Mila Kunis in Dolce & Gabbana at the Breakthrough Awards: stunning or meh?
Mila Kunis in Dolce & Gabbana at the Breakthrough Awards: stunning or meh?

Does anyone else consistently forget that Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher named their baby son Dmitri? The baby is only 11 months old! I keep forgetting that A) Mila had a second baby and B) that they named the baby Dmitri, which doesn’t “go” with their daughter’s name, Wyatt, at all. Anyway, even though Mila and Ashton have been together for years now, and even though they’re married with two young children, we still don’t see much of them on the red carpet together. To be fair, they don’t completely avoid being photographed together – they don’t make it into a “thing” like some couples. They just rarely walk carpets together. So this was a rare occasion – they attended the Breakthrough Prize Awards at the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California over the weekend. The awards celebrate the best scientific work of the year, and it’s become an event which many celebrities attend.
Mila wore this Dolce & Gabbana dress to the event, which is the reason why I’m covering this. Does anyone else remember Mila, several years back, when she was killing it on every red carpet? It was around the time she was promoting Black Swan, and her style was pretty amazing throughout that whole tour and awards season. It feels like Ashton and marriage has not been great for her style. Like, I get the idea of this dress, and I’m not opposed to a bustier top with a full-skirted floral bottom. But the reality is that she looks both boobs are wearing tiny little bibs. This would have looked much cuter if the entire thing had been either all-floral or all-black. I hate how this mis-matched/contrasted fabrics look is so “in” these days.
Something nice: they look very happy together. This was probably their “date night.”

Photos courtesy of WENN.

Source: Mila Kunis in Dolce & Gabbana at the Breakthrough Awards: stunning or meh?

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