Debate Magazine

Mike Philbin - Introversions & Dichotomies - All at Sea Series...

Posted on the 30 July 2016 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
usually these Abstract Expressionist paintings I've been doing (70+ paintings in 2016 so far) are done in threes, at least this way I can semi-control some sense of unity in collection before my mind races off on another vocab/grammer hunt in search of that elusive perfect vision. That one complete dictionary of this chosen art form. It all started with this recent painting...

Mike Philbin - Introversions & Dichotomies - All at Sea series...

100 cm by 50 cm

It's a re-painting, and I've done several of these already, where an old painting that I'm a little dissatisfied with or at that time doesn't fit with the flow of study invested in the pieces gets re-painted. That first one of this specific set was the fourth blood painting in the recent Holy Trinity set and its repaint kinda felt like a sky, but then I did three more and a far more sinister feeling came upon me.

Mike Philbin - Introversions & Dichotomies - All at Sea series...

80 cm by 60 cm

Mike Philbin - Introversions & Dichotomies - All at Sea series...

80 cm by 60 cm

Mike Philbin - Introversions & Dichotomies - All at Sea series...

80 cm by 60 cm

They are seascapes, of a sort, not pictures of the sea, more like the way it feels to be waving to shore while the wild and roaring sea batters you from all directions. These paintings are like the hopeless arm-waving gestures drowning men mime...

Mike Philbin - Introversions & Dichotomies - All at Sea series...

30" by 20"

Mike Philbin - Introversions & Dichotomies - All at Sea series...

30" by 20"

Mike Philbin - Introversions & Dichotomies - All at Sea series...

30" by 20"

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