As anyone who lives in the Bluff City will tell you Memphis, Tennessee is home to a large and thriving fan community who relish; comics, film, art, science fiction, and gaming. With its finger on the pulse of that community is, MidSouth Con celebrating it’s thirty third year with style. Welcoming such prestigious Guests of Honor as; author Cory Doctorow, artist Ethan Van Sciver, editor Elizabeth Donald, and many more talented people. As with any convention the cosplayers were out in full force parading around in their finest garbs, feeding off the compliments their intricate costumes received.
Throughout the weekend the tables in the game room remained filled with gamers who could not even be swayed to leave the excitement of the playing against worthy adversaries. For those who got their thrills away from the boards and cards, their was no shortage of intriguing panels on a variety of topics. Guests such as; author Mark F. Berry, film critic John Beifuss, artist Lin Workman, White Rocket Podcast host Van Plexico, founder of Fangirl Wednesday Nicki Workman, and so many more it would take up a paragraph in of itself. The panels brought some great twists onto fan favorite subjects from the Psychology of the Arkham to the world of Paranormal research you don’t see on reality shows. I personally found great enjoyment attending a panel on the topic of Historical Comics. Despite being the longest running annual convention in the Memphis area, MidSouth Con shows no sign of slowing down as the hard work of the organizers and directors every year continues to knock it out of the park.