Current Magazine

Midnight in the Garden of Alt-Right Evil

By Therealmcteag @therealmcteag

It was a nightmare everyone thought would end with a diminished Donald Trump losing the election and bringing down the Worst and Wildest Elements of the Right down with him. Midnight in the Garden of Alt-Right EvilInstead a Celebration of Ignorance and an arcane Electoral System conspired into the most unlikely of events – An Electoral College landslide for Billionaire Donald Trump.

Despite losing the popular vote by something like two and a half million votes to Hillary Clinton, or perhaps because of it, Trump as misrepresented his win as a landslide and has sometimes even implied he won the popular vote, an utter falsehood.

Suddenly a completely intolerant and egotistical man is about to take the Oath of Office and become president, something most Americans couldn’t fathom as late as Election Day,

As a bonus to the Least Popular President Elect Ever we are getting a Not Ready For Anytime Cast of D list advisers running the gamut from seemingly crazy flakes like General Flynn to purposefully Machiavellian Creature from the Breitbart Lagoon Steve Bannon, a court documented wife beater and all but admitted white supremacist.

Its Bannon most of all, conspicuously disheveled, weeks past a haircut and days removed from his last shave, who is the most revealing member of the Inner Circle. He is a leading figure in the Nazi Movement, or as they call themselves in 21st century Weimar America, the Alt-Right. These guys are cleaned up Klansmen with a pseudo intellectual updated and Americanized version of the old Nazi “Stab in the Back Myth” and all the familiar ideas regarding racial superiority.

The idea that Bannon has a non deniable job (he’s a personal adviser to the president) in the White House is way more legitimacy than Bannon or his ‘Philosophy’ deserve. Congress can hate on him all they want should they choose to, there’s no stopping his being a member of Trump’s inner circle. This is only made slightly less infuriating by the sobering fact the Democrats are basically classified as an ‘At Risk Species’ in Washington, toothless and declawed like never before. Thanks to that it’s not like Bannon or any other sociopath Trump decides to add to his cabal will have that much trouble getting confirmed.

Don’t worry, it gets even worse.

Unpleasant people litter Trumps inner circle. An Inner Circe that might include Vladimir Putin. No one but Donald Trump and his lackeys seem to have any confusion about the

Midnight in the Garden of Alt-Right Evil
FACT that Russia tried or maybe even succeeded in tampering with the vote and vote totals. They were clearly shown by their actions to be biased toward Trump. Trump chums the waters with meaningless personal conflicts the media rushes to cover to try to change the scene. He may yet pull this off too. Part of his success is the broken nature of America’s media and even more deeply its flawed (and soon to be gone?) public education system. Many graduate with no analytical skills and a pemchant to believe anything they hear so long as its lurid enough to hold their attention.

Some of this is the result of his double talk and double standards. For instance, scoffing at Immigrants makes it sort of difficult for him to use his actual wife as First Lady. He’s totally cool with it though as he has a maudlin back up plan. Instead of a First Lady we will
Midnight in the Garden of Alt-Right Evil
get a Mount Rushmore of Arrogance in the form of his adult children, each less likable that the last. Throw in adolescent Cyber Security Expert Barron for good measure. Somehow they’re gonna run his businesses too. The Press Conference to explain how that would happen just never took place though, much like the press conference where he was going to release his taxes failed to materialize. Look for these two events to remain perpetually ‘about two weeks’ into the future.

Like a Cult Leader Trump has been aggressively gas lighting and misrepresenting things at the same rate as he did during the campaign. Lying liberally and claiming to ‘know things other people don’t’. The inside information is a little more imminent than the press conferences. You can count on the release of this information remaining perpetually ‘three or four days’ into the future.

In the backdrop of Trump’s terrible Cabinet, rumored to be outright possessors of

The Age of Reason seems to be in its final days. The we launch into the sort of world we have only heard described in the most dire of Black Sabbath songs.

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