Tech Magazine

Microsoft Reveals NeXbox on May 21

Posted on the 24 April 2013 by Ningauble @AliAksoz

The software giant sends out invitations that confirm one of the worst-kept secrets in tech: The NeXbox revealing on May 21.



“A New Generation Revealed,” the invitation reads. “Don Mattrick – president of Microsoft’s Interactive Entertainment Business division - and the Xbox team invite you to the Xbox campus for a special unveiling.”

Microsoft allowed Nintendo and Sony to go forth and bring their next generation console instead of rushing forward to debut their new machine. Nintendo launched WiiU last November and Sony showed us some cool demos but no machine in February making the unveiling of the next Xbox the last among the big three.

May 21 is just three weeks before the giant E3 gaming trade show in Los Angeles. Logic says Microsoft will give us a second show there by revealing some of the biggest games for the NexBox.

The company plans to broadcast the unveiling live on the Xbox, as well as on Spike TV.

Very, very excited.



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