Business Magazine

Microsoft Registers October Event Domain Names, Confirming The Rumored Event?

Posted on the 13 September 2015 by Worldwide @thedomains


It has been rumored  by many tech sites starting around Aug 20, 2015 that Microsoft Corporation is planning a big event in October 2015 but no confirmation on that event until, well, Microsoft registered the domain names: | .net | .net

I would say that should confirm it, unless they just like spending money on domain names for fun that will have little to no meaning after the month of October 2015?

According to, “the software giant will use the event to unveil two new Lumia handsets, the Surface Pro 4, and a Microsoft Band 2.” Potentially 2 new hardware devices as well?

The great thing with domain names is they offer a vast amount of flexibility and give the owners many options on how to use them. Simply seeing the domain names they registered, give you a pretty clear picture of what is happening. How they will use the domain names or if they even will, will be something we have to wait and see!

The fact is, Microsoft registered the above 4 mentioned domain names relating to an event in October 2015 and these are not “common” domain name registrations by the company IMO. They have held many events so far this year and other years and they do not commonly register domains like this. Although they own nearly 90,000 domain names, these domain registrations are pretty unique from the common registrations I see the company make.

Since they registered them, it may indicate that the event is a big deal to the company and they wish to use several means to make the event known.

If they bring the hype, lets hope they produce with something that isn’t already available and is a useful product to the masses!

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