
Microsoft Investigating Surface CPU and Wi-Fi Issues Following Recent Update

Posted on the 16 August 2019 by Vinhta
Microsoft investigating Surface CPU and Wi-Fi issues following recent update

Microsoft says it's working to fix CPU and Wi-Fi issues that have been affecting some Surface devices following a recent update.

Over the past several days, Surface users have taken to Reddit to report that their devices' processors have been throttled to 400MHz. According to TechRepublic, the issue stems from an Intel CPU flag being locked on by mistake as part of the latest Surface firmware update.

Speaking to TechRepublic, Microsoft confirmed it's "aware of some customers reporting a scenario with their Surface Books where CPU speeds are slowed," and is "quickly working to address via a firmware update."

Redditors have also pointed out that the latest Marvel Wi-Fi driver (included in Microsoft's August 1st Surface firmware updates) is preventing some devices from connecting to 5GHz wireless networks. In the Surface forums, a moderator claims Microsoft is "working on an update."

It remains to be seen when both issues will be resolved.

Source: TechRepublic Via: The Verge

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