tech giant Microsoft has announced the launch of a new AI Generative Chatbot named ‘Jugalbandi‘ Is. This chatbot works on AI technology like ChatGPT and it is specially designed for rural areas and farmers of India. This chatbot can be used on WhatsApp. Rural people will be able to know about the policies and schemes of the government through this tool.
Supports 10 languages
Microsoft According to, the Jugalbandi chatbot has not yet been released to the general public. AI4Bharat and Azure OpenAI services are being taken to improve this tool. Currently this tool supports 10 languages. The company says that this chatbot will root out the language problem in India and it will be of great use to the people.
This is how this chatbot works
According to the company, Jugalbandi chatbot provides information to the user in their language by accessing the government’s database and getting information about government schemes. Simply put, this tool works as a perfect personal assistant and gives accurate information by understanding the user’s query. Its advantage is that it is capable of understanding both typing and voice notes.
Testing is going on here
Let us tell you that the Jugalbandi AI chatbot was first introduced in April. The testing of this chatbot is going on in Bhashini. It is expected that in the coming days this chatbot will be released for all users.
Recently rolled out this feature
Microsoft rolled out the Phone Link feature a few days ago for the convenience of iOS users. Through this facility, users can connect their iPhone to computers and laptops working on the Windows operating system. The advantage of this will be that users will not miss important messages or calls and they will not need to check the phone again and again. Earlier, the Phone Link feature was released for Android users.
Before the phone link feature, the company had added the image creator tool to the Edge browser. User can create image from text through this tool. This facility works on the technology of Doll-e.