Debate Magazine

Michigan Murder Suicide - 8 Dead

Posted on the 08 July 2011 by Mikeb302000
Yahoo News reports
Michigan Murder Suicide - 8 Dead
A gunman opened fire in two Michigan homes Thursday, killing his daughter, ex-girlfriend and five other people before leading police on a high-speed chase and taking hostages inside a stranger's home.

Well, I guess that puts an end to the fat-white-guy myth, huh? Or, do you think this is a bit of an exception to the rule? Or, better yet, do you think we shouldn't generalize at all?
This guy was an ex-con, who obvioulsy had no business with ia gun. The pro-gun folks will tell you this has nothing to do with them. I don't buy it. It's their policies and their lax and non-existent gun laws that make it too easy for guys like Rodrick Shonte Dantzler to get guns.
Let's not forget that there is no criminal source of guns. They start out as the legitimate property of lawful gun owners. When they somehow end up in the hands of killers like this, those same lawful gun owners throw up their hands in feigned horror and insist they have nothing to do with it.
Gun control laws aimed at those lawful gun owners could stop gun flow into the criminal world which right now is like Niagara Falls.  Of course, this would mean a bit of inconvenience for our gun-loving friends.
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By Whatever
posted on 08 July at 14:16
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You seem to be forgetting how many gun stores are burgularized every year. How about this - Stricter punishment for firearm-related crimes? Death penalty for people like this guy, delivered swiftly?

You seem to think that these things happen because the criminals have guns. You are so wrong! These things happen because of the implications of this guys actions - A time-out in federal prison with internet, food, television, and all for FREE!!!!

You need help :(