Michael Le, also known as @justmaiko, is a TikTok celebrity with over 51 million followers. His debut NFT collection, dubbed “Shluv Pals,” has been revealed. This group consists of five persons who share Michael’s characteristics and ideals.
This collection contains all of the Shluv Pals that aren’t for sale.
The Shluv Pals collection has amassed over 7,000 followers on Twitter since its inception in November 2021. They began blogging regularly in March of this year, and they already have over 10,000 followers. This rapid expansion isn’t due to Le’s extensive fan network pushing the initiative.
Five persons are shown in Michael Le’s NFTs. This indicates Vert Valentine is a sign of self-love, and you should love yourself unconditionally. Slump Skully is a character that represents your inner kid. Humpty has been hacked. People who are passionate about technology and those who are passionate about technology may collaborate on a larger scale to make Web3.0 a reality. Shluvby Baggins, to me, represents never giving up on your aspirations of success and fortune in order to care for yourself and your loved ones. Hangry Hiro demonstrates his love for animals and life in general, as well as the reality that things don’t always go as planned.
It’s called the Shluv Universe, and it’s the first expansion of Michael Le’s universe. He believes that the endeavor should be enjoyable, instructive, and beneficial to others.
Shluv Pals wants to provide the finest gaming experiences and possibilities for Michael’s friends and family, including monthly tournaments with large cash awards. But it’s not only Sandbox, Minecraft, and real-life that brings people together:
About Michael Le
Michael Le, also known as @justmaiko, is a well-known TikTok celebrity. He currently has 51.5 million followers, making him the 15th most popular user on the platform. He’s sandwiched between The Rock, BTS, and Jason Derulo (13th). Their 22-year-hobbies old’s were dance and choreography, so he created TikTok to share his work with the world. It all started when he was four years old. He’s also a photographer who writes about his dancing on his blog. The service’s name was changed from Music.ly to TikTok in 2016, and he became a member.