As per the official notification, the registration process for the MHT CET 2020 special session has started on Maharashtra Common Entrance Test Cell. A special exam will be conducted for those students who had earlier registered for the PCB or PCM group but were not able to appear for the exams, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Such students can complete the registration process for the MHT CET special exams till 23 October 2020. In order to complete the registration procedure, students need to visit the official website. Alternatively, students can complete their registration by clicking on the direct link provided below.
How to Complete the MHT CET 2020 Registrations Online?
- Visit the official website –
- Log in using your registered login id and password.
- Enter the captcha code.
- Click on “Sign in To Account.”
- Register using the link provided in the portal.
- Save a copy or take a print out for future reference.
Click here to register directly.
Maharashtra Cet Cell had earlier released the admit cards for the MHT CET MCA, M.Arch, and M.HMCT examinations on its official website. Students can download the admit card by following the link provided there. Students are advised to keep visiting the official website to stay updated with the latest events.
Previous articleHPTU UG and PG Counselling 2020 Dates Revised, Check New Dates Raghavendra is involved in writing education news and keeping a track of the latest news stories. With over a year as a journalist, his work includes everything from an increased focus on teaching techniques, public education challenges, and other issues in the education sector- both government and private. Contact – [email protected]