As per the latest update, the State Common Entrance Test Cell in Maharashtra has released the MHT CET 2020 Provisional Answer Key. The candidates who appeared for the Maharashtra Health and Technical Common Entrance Test, or MHT CET 2020, will be able to view the provisional answer key on– the official website. The answer key has been released for both PCB and PCM groups. The response sheet for MHT CET has also been released on the official website along with the answer keys.
Steps to View the MHT CET 2020 Provisional Answer Key and Raise Objections
Candidates who appeared for the Maharashtra Common Entrance Test or MHT CET 2020 can follow the steps mentioned below to view the provisional answer key. A direct link to download the provisional answer key is available below for ease of access:
- Visit the official website –
- On the left side, you will find the login portal.
- Enter your login id, password, and captcha.
- Click on “Sign in To Account.”
- You will be able to view the answer key.
- Download and match your response.
- To object, in the “My Application” section, choose your “Education Program and CET Examination.”
- Click on proceed, read the instructions carefully, and click on “Ok.”
- Now go to the “Objection Form” section.
- Now select your subject group, either PCM or PCB, and click on “Search.”
- Verify your details and raise objections to the questions by providing backing documents.
- Pay the requisite fees.
- Once the payment is completed, the objections raised by the candidate shall be received for further process.
- Save a copy or take a print out for future reference.
Click here to view the answer key and raise objections directly.
Raise the Challenge by 12 November 2020
The candidates who come across any discrepancies related to the answer key and feel that the answer given is wrong can raise a challenge against that question by paying 1000 INR per question challenged. The deadline to raise challenges is 12 November 2020, till 1 PM IST. Candidates must provide sufficient data as proof of the challenges raised. The procedure to raise the challenge and the requisite fee per question will be mentioned to the candidates shortly.
Candidates must also note that the authorities have also released the candidate response sheet and the provisional answer key. This will help the candidates gauge their performance and calculate the probable marks. Once the authorities receive all the challenges, it will verify each and release the final answer key and the MHT CET 2020 Result. Candidates are advised to keep visiting the official website to keep themselves abreast with the latest developments.
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