There are certain qualities that have to be present for a good handbag to be a great handbag. The first quality is style. Women want a bag that looks good and this handbag is constructed of a synthetic pebbled leather that gives it the texture hat is so hot in fashion today. Also, faux leather has come a long way since it was first developed and with the newest version is almost impossible to tell the difference between faux and real leather, making it a more animal-friendly choice.
Another quality of a great handbag is the function. This particular Metaphor bag that can be found at, is a cross-body bag that makes it easier to go about your daily activities hands-free. It also has a footed, flat base that will keep your bag from tipping over and a nice drawstring/magnetic cinching system that will keep all of your important items secured. These are very important factors because I think that just about every woman has experienced the handbag “roll-over”, where all your personal items have been strewn all over the floor. The drawstring adds a fashionable interest to the body of the handbag by creating more texture with the ripples of faux leather that it creates.
The last quality that makes a great handbag is roominess and organization. With the Metaphor’s bucket shape, it gives you ample room to store all the important items that you need to have with you every day and enough pockets/sections within the interior to keep you organized. In the handbag world, the Metaphor Woman’s Drawn to your Bucket Bag is a fashionable, versatile choice for a great medium-sized bag, at the fantastic price of $39.00 at Sears and comes in the color-blocked selections of blue/black, orange/black, and egret/black combinations.