The world has changed so much in just the space of a month. Unlike previous disasters and even world wars, we are now at the mercy of an invisible enemy. A virus, previously unheard of is taking lives, making us sick and causing many countries to go into lockdown.
For people already suffering with mental health issues and depression, this period of unease will certainly take its toll. Never before, in our life times or even our grandparents life times have we been made to stay home whilst the world around us shuts down. Never have we been so isolated from love ones, family and friends and in my opinion once corona virus calms down, the world may find itself with a huge mental health problem.
If you're already finding it difficult to cope then there are a few things you can do whilst stuck at home to help ease your mind a little. Below I've listed a few helpful tips which I hope you may find some use in.
1) Keep to a similar routine - I've kept my morning school alarm on. I don't need it on but I know staying in bed all day is not going to help anything. Get up at a certain time, get dressed, eat, clean, go to bed on time. Once this is over it will be much easier to get back to normal.
2) Social Networking - Sites such as Facebook have now become a god send for staying in touch with loved ones. However be wary of false news and false stories on there which can make us feel worse.
3) Plan your day - It's hard not being able to do much and with nothing open. However don't forget you can go out once a day for exercise so maybe set a time to do this. Perhaps a time for cleaning and other house jobs and time for making phone calls etc.
4) Keeping kids entertained - children do and will become easily bored. Make sure they keep up with any school work and also plan fun things as a family inside too. Board games, drawing, messy play etc. Limit tablet and screen time to a few set hours. Involve kids in housework, baking, cooking etc.
5) Seek online therapy - Doctors and hospitals are now only seeing urgent cases and therefore you may find it very difficult to speak to some I've about your current mental health. Many websites are offering many types of online therapy to help people through this.
6) Exercise - Gyms are shut but there are many online videos with free workouts. We can also go out once a day for a walk or run. Try to stay healthy as it helps keep your mind off what's going on too.
7) Remember it won't be forever - None of us know how long this will last. But remembere one day it will all be over and we will get our freedom once again. Try to focus on that and stay positive.