Environment Magazine

Mental Health and the Great Outdoors Guest Bloggers Required

Posted on the 30 October 2017 by Ashley Crombet-Beolens @Fromanurbanlake
Request for Guest Bloggers
I'm looking to run a series of guest posts (current plan is one a month) on my Blog (http://www.viewsfromanurbanlake.co.uk), starting in Jan 2018, where the writer talks about how time spent in the great outdoors and/or amongst nature have helped their mental health.

Request for Guest Bloggers

This can be anything from battling addiction, to fighting depression, or aiding anxiety issues etc. no mental health issue will be ignored, they are all important and not talked about enough.
The hope is that these posts will raise awareness for sufferers that a) they are not alone and b) that often engaging with nature and the great outdoors is a great way to help improve "wellness". From my own personal experiences I know this to be true to me, and am sure it is for many others.
I can't offer payment sadly, but links back to your own blogs/social media will be included.

What this Won't Be

This is NOT an invite for SEO experts to try and sell me their "unique content" or "expertly written" posts in my "niche" I'm not in the habit of pimping myself out (well except for lots of money or review items I want lol) so am not really interested, your emails WILL just be deleted. Posts will only be accepted from genuine people, and I will only be publishing them if I believe the person writing is being real.

Genuine People Only

For genuinely interested people, bloggers, nature, and outdoors lovers, please contact me with your idea in the first instance at [email protected] 
Thank you for reading this, and I look forward to hearing from some of you.
I'm Walking 2500 miles in 2017 to raise money for Birding For All - Read about it here - Please consider donating through My Donate
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