Entertainment Magazine

Mending The Line

Posted on the 16 May 2024 by Sirmac2 @macthemovieguy

This is exactly the kind of film I would pass over normally. I’ve never heard of it, it randomly pops up on Netflix, and it lacks audio description. but dammit,it has Brian Cox. I’m on a mission to complete his filmography, and he’s constantly popping up in things like this, and the recent Little Wing. So, I watched it.

The film centers around a soldier who was injured in active duty and has been trying to rehab so he can get back out there and join the fight. he keeps getting rejected, and recommended for more rehabilitation, so he winds up at this new facility, with a new Doctor (Patricia Heaton), who is also treating a war veteran (Cox) with his own set of problems, who lives by itself nearby. The doc sends the new guy out to learn how to fly fish from the old vet. Reminiscing and healing. That’s the film.

It’s not bad, it just doesn’t have audio description, and the film isn’t stacked with dialog. lots of clearly establishing shots, showing them probably fishing, and flashbacks to war times, and I get a little lost because there’s no audio description here. I followed the main line of the film, but I couldn’t mend it because there were these holes. But, Brian Cox was solid in it. There’s even Wes Studi in the supporting cast.

If you see this on Netflix, and literally have nothing else to do, or are a big fan of Brian Cox, check this out. If not, he’s got better movies that have audio description.

Final Grade: unwatchable

Projected Grade: C+, B-, B

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