Have you ever met a straight man and thought to yourself...hmmmmmmmmmmm the only vagina you have ever seen was the one that you gave you life?
The reason why they are not dating, or having any sort of a sexual relationship with a woman is because they lack communication skills. Period. End of story.
Some men just do not get the concept of how to talk to women; I believe they see it as speaking to another species.
If you want to date straight women, then do not say/ or do stupid shit like this:
DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT say any kind of remark that could be perceived as a "fat joke". You want to piss a woman off tell her she is fat. Seriously, we hate that. Not only is it offensive, but it is super rude, and will leave you alone in life with your hand.
DO NOT compare a woman to another woman. It is like dating suicide. I don't care about your ex or about some broad you loved in high school. The only woman I want to be compared to is myself.
Do not play the dick card and think it is going to get you laid. I've had guys say rude things to me thinking that it will help them get a first class ticket inside of my vagina. It didn't work. It only got them blocked on ALL social media accounts.
If we show no interest in you. We literally don't give a fuck. It is not that difficult to understand. Move on.
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