Destinations Magazine

Men at Work and Weather Watching

By Elizabethwix

I'm afraid I have become rather neglectful of this blog since I'm really having more fun with Instagram -where I'm Biffwix (my childhood nickname).Anyway, I'm still taking photos while wandering round the city.
Men at Work and Weather Watching
Here a young man is being instructed in the tricky art of poster hanging. An elegant process - best done very swiftly like watercolor painting. Looks easy but it isn't!
Men at Work and Weather Watching
Delivering scaffolding near the car wash seen below.
Men at Work and Weather Watching
Quintessentially New York colors - harsh and bright.
Men at Work and Weather Watching
Gosh, what a lot of building round here. This near the new 7 line subway stop at Hudson Yards taken on a very brisk, cold day.
Men at Work and Weather Watching
Here the police chatting and drinking coffee on Penn Station. There are always lots of policemen there and soldiers (of both sexes) and also State Troopers with their strange hats. I asked my husband if there are women State Troopers and he said there were though I have never seen one.
Men at Work and Weather Watching
Ah! Spring in the city. Here blossoms on our roof...
Men at Work and Weather Watching
storm clouds at Jamaica Station
Men at Work and Weather Watching
and looking west from our apartment.
Men at Work and Weather Watching
Pigeons in the almost budding trees in Penn South...
Men at Work and Weather Watching
And, yesterday, real leaves unfolding on the climbing hydrangea at the mysterious house on 21st Street that I dream of living in one day.

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