Family Magazine

Meet Zack – He Didn’t Let A Mental Illness Keep Him From Achieving His Dreams

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

One evening I was hanging out on Twitter and started talking to Zack about my toddler’s love for coloring and drawing.  After talking to Zack, he shared with me his story about “Taking Care of Business – Mental Illness is Not a Deterrent“.  At the age of 16, Zack is working on becoming an entrepreneur and using his gifts and talents to make his characters a regular household name similar to the Simpsons.  As a child Zack had trouble in school and was labeled with pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep and Tourette’s Syndrome.  At this point school became very difficult for him and he was often bullied.  By the time enter the 8th grade, Zack was finally paired with a great “inclusion” special aide who recognized his symptoms and got him the help that he needed.

Zack uses his love for drawing and he creates items such as t-shirts, greeting cards, books, and cinch sacks for kids.  At the age of 17, he is on his way to being an entrepreneur and I am personally impressed with his talent and skills.  As a mom, I want my own children to know that they may have disabilities or limitations but they have their own gifts and talents to succeed in life.  To learn more about Zack and his products visit Good Boy Roy for more information or join in the conversation with Zack on Twitter.

Zack and his mom were very generous and sent me some goodies.  My kids were so surprised that these goodies were for them.  In fact, my daughter wore her brand new shirt to school today.  Thank you again for your generosity.


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