
Meet Lucas: The First Gerber Baby with Down Syndrome!

Posted on the 28 May 2020 by Tal Ditye @mommyhood1O1

Each year, Gerber holds a contest to find the next face of Gerber - the Gerber baby!

Sifting through over one hundred thousand entries by hopeful parents, Gerber finds the perfect baby to demonstrate their core values to consumers worldwide.

And they found something perfect in Lucas! I mean, look at that smile! Don't you just want to squish his cheeks and give him a kiss!?

gerber baby down syndrome lucas warren

Each year, Gerber holds a contest to find the next face of Gerber - the Gerber baby!

Sifting through over one hundred thousand entries by hopeful parents, Gerber finds the perfect baby to demonstrate their core values to consumers worldwide.

And they found something perfect in Lucas! I mean, look at that smile! Don't you just want to squish his cheeks and give him a kiss!?

This was a truly heart-warming experience for Cortney and Jason Warren of Dalton, Georgia, parents of baby Lucas. They submitted the photo of Lucas as a long-shot. They received an overwhelmingly positive response on Pinterest, and never expected that their baby would be chosen as the Gerber baby.

He is a lot like any other baby in a lot of ways. He loves music and to play piano, to play with the family dog, and loves to make other people laugh.

This was totally heart-warming for all of us here as well! By choosing Lucas, Gerber has demonstrated to the world that there is a Gerber baby in every little one. They are doing an important service by helping teach acceptance and integration of special needs children into mainstream media, onto the supermarket shelves, and onto family dinner tables around the world. And it's not just about acceptance, it's about appreciation, integration, and celebrating differences.

This means everything for parents of children with down syndrome, bringing the disability into the spotlight and helping people acknowledge and appreciate the diversity that makes our world a beautiful place to live in.

Good on you, Gerber! You have our appreciation and respect.

If you want to learn more about down syndrome, check out this excellent overview here.

If you want to check out some of the best baby organic foods, including some made by Gerber, check out our reviews here.

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