18 months old Freddy is Britain’s tallest dog! This Great Dane, 7-foot-4 standing on his hind legs and weighs 154 pounds, has long since surpassed, in terms of height, his 5-foot-4 owner, Claire Stoneman. Freddy is still growing and he appears headed to taking the world’s tallest dog title away from Zeus, the Great Dane in Michigan.
(Check out Canines Under the Largest Dog Category)
Meet Freddy the Great Dane! *

Freddy now measures 41 inches from foot to shoulder blade.

Freddy was the runt of the litter, but with a $100-a-week diet of regular dog food he enjoyed a huge growth spurt.

Freddy has destroyed 14 sofas in Stoneman’s home in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, before he got used to the small space.

Freddy, 7-foot-4, and his owner Claire, 5-foot-4.

Freddy loves peanut butter on toast.

Claire and Freddy, at home.