A Japanese man named Totø has surprised the world. This is after his love for animals pushed him to to a life changing act and at the end of the day, he ended up looking like an animal. Totø says he has always wanted to walk in four limbs. He admires animals which walk in all fours and the dog is his favorite of all animals.
Totø then went ahead to invest on research on how he could look like a dog and walk in all four limbs. His research soon yielded results and e embarked on the transformation journey. Totø spend over 170,000 US dollars so as to look like a dog.
He finally walked in the streets and it was a scene to watch. Many dogs strolled him thinking he is one big brother of their own. However, one white dog took special attention at him and noted that thre was something wrong with this big dog. People were also mesmerized by him and many could not control the urge to touch his new skin..…See More
Stop Calling It ‘Gap Teeth’ Or ‘Open Teeth’ This Is The Correct Word To Say