Religion Magazine

Meddling Once Again

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
from Arutz7:
The State of Israel is preparing for a new diplomatic battle, this time in Paris. In less than a week the Paris International Conference will convene with participation of delegates from 70 countries but without Israel or the PA.
Participants at the conference will call on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to disassociate from Jewish Home leader Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) due to his opposition to the establishment of a Palestinian state. The world leaders will call on Israel to endeavor to establish such a state in order to reach an agreement with the Palestinian Authority.
The leaders maintain that there is no possibility of implementing such a solution while Naftali Bennett is in the government and will therefore call on Netanyahu to separate from Bennett and join up with more moderate elements.
Secretary of State John Kerry is expected to arrive at the conference and give a speech in which he will stress once again the American vision of how to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during Obama's terms in office. Kerry made veiled references to Naftali Bennett three times in his last speech and claimed that he is the member of the Israeli government defying the establishment of a Palestinian state.
Bennett said at the time that "Kerry quoted me three times anonymously in his speech in order to demonstrate that we oppose a Palestinian state."

So, once again, world leaders have no problem meddling in internal Israeli affairs and politics and pressure the government to change its coalition....
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