Lifestyle Magazine

Meal Prepping Made Easy Thanks To Little Spoon

By Cait @caitscozycorner
This post is sponsored by Little Spoon. All opinions and photos are my own. Meal Prepping Made Easy Thanks To Little Spoon
When I became a Mom for the first time with Lily, I was determined be that Mom that made all her own baby food because I was so nervous for everything my little girl put in her mouth. I wanted everything to be organic and nutritious as possible. Of course, life gets in the way and that maybe lasted a few months before I threw in the towel and said "Ok, I'm DONE!" It wasn't my finest moment.
Fast forward four years later, and now I have my little guy Landon. The kid could not shove food faster in his mouth! I knew there was no way I could attempt to meal prep as quick as possible until I realized, I didn't need to meal prep at all thanks to one incredible company; Little Spoon. All the praise hands emojis!
Meal Prepping Made Easy Thanks To Little SpoonMeal Prepping Made Easy Thanks To Little Spoon
Little Spoon does all the hard work for you!  Based in California, their meal delivery service is designed to truly take off all that weight you've had on your shoulders by providing organic, fresh blends that are in perfect accordance with your child's development and nutritional needs. The blends are created in consultation with a team of experts on feeding toddlers and babies, including a professor of pediatrics, a registered dietitian and a pediatrician.
So how does it work you're asking? Once you decide to become a subscriber to Little Spoon, you fill out a questionnaire that allows the team to get to know your child better. The information you need to provide includes your child's name and birth date and any nutritional preferences. You're asked if your child eats pureed food, finger food or a combo of the two. You will then be asked to describe their eating style ranging from picky to adventurous and if you want the blends to include meat.
Meal Prepping Made Easy Thanks To Little SpoonOnce the questionnaire is complete, you can decide if you want to order 1,2 or 3 blends per day. You're able to choose the blends you want your child to enjoy during the week. The deliveries are made every other week and include two week's worth of blends. There is no minimum subscription so you can skip a delivery, change your subscription plan or cancel at any time.
What I love about the blends is that they offer so many rich blends for your baby to enjoy. They contain the healthiest of fruit and veggies including beet, spinach, avocado, broccoli, banana, carrot, pear, and ale! All of these perform various important functions for your child such as controlling water balance, maintain health blood pressure and supporting nutrient absorption.
Meal Prepping Made Easy Thanks To Little Spoon
They truly make meal prepping so incredibly easy just by singing up and waiting for your delivery to be at your door step within a few days! Although the blends do not have individual prices, you actually pay per blend depending on the number of blends you order per week. If you want 1 blend per day, you pay $4.92 but if you want three, you pay $3.92. There are also no extra costs as shipping is free of charge on all orders.
So what are you waiting for? Subscribe here and make meal prepping a breeze for you and your little one thanks to Little Spoon!
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